Japan: A trend of heart-felt giving

It's heartwarming to read story after story of anonymous donors under pseudonyms give from the heart to the needy and the underprivileged children in Japan. It appears to be an inspiring trend of spreading material wealth, love, and good cheers among the Japanese.

So far, over 300 anonymous donations as charity gifts ranging from school bags to food, and even cash have appeared at facilities for underprivileged children and at public places under the names of cartoon heros since the Christmas season to almost 100 locations across Japan.

Donors identified themselves under different names - Date Naoto: a cartoon pro wrestler, "Tiger Mask", who uses part of his earnings for anonymous donations to the orphanage where he grew up;  Yabuki Joe, a working-class cartoon boxer; Momotaro: a Japanese folklore "peach boy" hero who beats up terrible demons; and Kimottama-Kasan, a TV drama heroine.

Even cash is left at times with a note: "Do not think of bad things, have a pure heart and be encouraged in all manner of good deeds."

What a wonderful way to start a new year!

The magic of the oldest living tree

Trees have been known to be some of the longest living organisms on Earth. In general, trees rarely die of old age like humans do, but they can die from insect infestation and environmental destruction,
such as forest fires, logging or construction.

A single tree able to that stand on its own for millennia, witnessing the rise and fall of civilizations, surviving climate changes, and enduring the escalating development of human industrial destruction of our environment is nothing short of a miracle. Its symbol of beauty, peace and strength is a testament to what Mother Nature does at her best.

Such awesome living thing is probably the world's oldest tree, Sunland Baobab, which stands 22 meters tall and is around 47 meters in circumference, "the record holder for the species", according to the SA Dendrological Society. Unlike most trees with consistent annual growth rings, this tree has had its age carbon dated to approximately 6,000 years.

As the largest succulent plant in the world, the baobab tree can provide food, water, shelter and healing from sickness. It is steeped in mystique, legend and superstition in Africa - as traces of evidence of Bushmen and Voortrekkers found in the hollow center floor of the tree.

Although a Baobab tree seldom exceeds a height of 25 meters, the massive cylindrical trunk gives rise to numerous tapering branches that resemble a root-system -- earning its nickname as the "upside-down" tree.

The largest widespread variety is the Adonsonia Digitata, found in 20 sub Saharan countries. As a deciduous tree, Baobab blooms in spring and loses its hand-sized 5 leaflets in winter.

The large white flowers are pendulous and emerge for only a day. The large egg-shaped fruit consists of a hard outer shell on the outside and a dry, white powdery substance covering the seeds on the inside. The white powdery substance - rich in calcium, anti-oxidants, and vitamin C - is mixed with water or milk as a drink to treat fevers and other ailments. The seeds also produce edible oil.

Interestingly, large Baobab trees with hollow stems have served bees and humans for centuries. Honey bees have being using them to make their hives while people have been using them as homes, prisons, bars, rainwater well, and even storage.

An entity that exists on the earth with rich resources to give to humanity and to nature is not just inspirational but also very magical!

Remember You're Born Free

We often feel trap in our own little world surrounded by four walls that we built for ourselves. The invisible cage that we don't see.

We thought we could be safer or feel more secure by being with others and  tying ourselves down with responsibilities for others. Instead of seeking self-reliance and freedom to live a life of our own choosing, we cling to the so-called security blanket under the guise of protection and security.

How do you know if you're in a cage? The fear grips you when you think of leaving your lousy job, moving out of an unhappy situation, or doing something totally different from what others expected of you. Fear is the only thing holding you back from being you!

We have forgotten that we were born free and should remain free by being independent and self-reliant. Imagine, if everyone could be independent and self-sufficient, we no longer need to care for others, except for the young, the old and the sick!

Here's an inspiring story to remind us what it means to be "born free". The movie, "Born Free" is based on a true story of a British couple who raised a lion cub named Elsa. When Elsa became fully grown, they decided to train her to live like a wild animal in Kenya rather than be put in the zoo.

Born Free

Born free, as free as the wind blows
As free as the grass grows
Born free to follow your heart

Live free, and beauty surrounds you
The world still astounds you
Each time you look at a star

Stay free, where no walls divide you
You're free as a roaring tide
So there's no need to hide

Born free, and life is worth living
But only worth living
Cause you're born free

Inspiration Classic: It's a Wonderful Life!

One of the most inspirational movie ever made: It's a Wonderful Life! An uplifting, timeless story about an angel helping a desperate, depressed man by showing what life would have been like if he never existed. This classic delivers several messages about life:

1. Your life not only is important to existence but also plays an essential role in other people's lives. No man is an island. Without your existence, things will be quite different. You play a small but an important part in the whole scheme of things.

2. No man is a failure who has friends. Although George Bailey, the main character, was poor and in debt, he was the richest man in town with family and friends who loved him. They were there to help him when he needed them the most.

3. Karma collects its dues. Doing a good deed for someone will come back to you in ten-fold. Baily was such a person who had done good deeds all his life and at the end of the story, karma paid him a visit with a miracle.

As we embrace our family and friends during the holiday season, we ought to be glad for what we have and shared with our dear ones. This film reminds us to celebrate our existence along with the existence of others who have been with and for us.

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