Song for Japan: We Shall Overcome

As Japan faces its dismal aftermath of the horrific devastation in the northern part of Honshu, one song comes to mind for all the Japanese as they face a multiple of crises caused by earthquakes, tsunami, the crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant, and now radiation leak.

For all the Japanese victims, survivors and citizens, here's the powerful lyrics of the song that can lift your spirit: "We Shall Overcome"

"We Shall Overcome" - adaption from Charles Tindley's gospel song "I'll Overcome Some Day" (1900).

We shall overcome
We shall overcome
We shall overcome some day

Oh, deep in my heart
I do believe
We shall overcome some day)

We'll walk hand in hand
We'll walk hand in hand
We'll walk hand in hand some day


We shall all be free
We shall all be free
We shall all be free some day


We are not afraid
We are not afraid
We are not afraid some day


We are not alone
We are not alone
We are not alone some day


We shall overcome
We shall overcome
We shall overcome some day

Hope Inspires Positive Change

Hope is much more than desire or motivation because it requires the belief in the possibility of a favorable outcome. As a vital psychological resource in our lives, hope sustains us, sometimes desperately, under even the bleakest of circumstances. But when all hope fails, there is nothing but despair.

Most current theories of emotion do not include hope as an emotion. James Averill, a social constructivist, states that "hope is not associated with any specific physiological responses or reflex-like actions". It appears that hope is a cultural concept that includes learned behaviors and thought processes through the socialization process.

In addition, many studies have shown strategies used by hopeful persons: positive self-talking, having an uplifting spirit, envisioning hopeful images, listening to uplifting music, and being able to laugh.

Hope is a powerful motivator as it inspires people to take positive action.

Where to find the sources of hope for inspiration?

1. Children give us hope to make our world a better place for them.
2. Family and friends give us hope as we reach out to each other, help one another - sharing a sense of belonging.
3. Nature gives us hope to appreciate its glory and accept our small role as part of its master creation.
4. Religion and spirituality give us hope to have faith in God or ourselves.
5. A sense of purpose for living gives us hope to make our existence worthy and meaningful.
6. Dreams give us hope to make them a reality.
7. Music, art and literature give us hope as they uplift our spirits and move us to express our creativity.

Having hope is part of being alive!

The Magic in Auroras

One of the most awe-inspiring natural phenomena on earth is the light display of aurora in the polar regions. Aurora borealis (the northern lights) is highly visible in Iceland, Norway, Greenland, Alaska or any other northern-latitude country, and aurora australis (the southern lights) can be seen from high southern latitudes in Antarctica, South America, or Australasia.

The collisions between the solar wind particles streaming from the sun and the charged particles from the earth’s magnetic field cause energy releases in the form of auroras to appear in large rings around the poles.

Although the appearances of auroras are all year round, they are only visible closer to the poles due to the longer periods of darkness and the earth’s magnetic field. The aurora could appear either as a ghastly glow in the night sky or as "curtains" that unfold in the east-west direction.

The range of color light emissions depends on the composition, the density of the atmosphere and the altitude of the aurora. Besides green, the most common color, you can also see pink, red, yellow, blue and even purple.

Auroras are more frequent and brighter due to the intensity of the solar wind when the sunspot activities and coronal flares are at their maximum. Nearing its 11th year solar cycle, the sun is about to reach its solar maximum in 2012.

Let this beautiful magic of nature inspire you as it has done so to so many photographers, artists and writers for years! Make it a "Must See" in 2012!

Away with cold and gloom in winter!

In winter, it can be rather gloomy when the world outside is frozen and gray. The lack of sunlight combined with being stuck indoors makes it more dismal.  But there are ways to chase the cold and dreariness away while making your home or private space cozier and more cheerful.

1.    Highlight a spot in the room with a vase of freshly cut flower blooms in bright colors. Nowadays, flowers can be bought all year round in nurseries.

2.    Light up your room by drawing open your curtains to let in the full light reflection from the snow outside. This can save your electricity bill.

3.    Keep fire burning in the fireplace to warm the room. The dancing orange flames make the room brighter and  more cheerful.

4.    Invest in light bulbs that provide a natural glow by filtering out yellow rays to make your room more cheerful and inviting.

5.    Use scented candles that remind you of spring and summer.

6.    Make a comfortable seat by covering it with a blanket made of extra soft fleece and position it next to a lamp with a room enhancing light bulb.

7.    Listen to uplifting or inspiring music.

8.    Wear bright colors to uplift your mood.

9.    Do your favorite thing indoors that is constructive to make yourself happy, whether it’s a hobby, social networking, or just plain singing a song.

10.    Make a list of things you’d like to accomplish during the winter season and see to it that they are done. Looking forward to something is always uplifting feeling.

So, enjoy your winter!

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